Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Top 10 reasons newspapers are sinking online...

Mike Markson from topix has written an article about why newspapers are sinking online.

It's a great roundup. And even more reason why you should stay tuned for what we have to offer.

I really want to talk more about what we're doing because I'm just so excited about it. But as I've said before, one of the reasons I'm not is that time spent talking always seems to takes away from time and energy spent executing.

I'll let the product speak for itself when it's ready.

Update: I re-read the old post that I linked to above. I'm happy to report that the second reason I wasn't talking about the product (that we wanted to talk to customers and know that we're barking up the right tree) is now much less of an issue. I'm now quite comfortable that we are barking up the right tree.

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