Monday, May 21, 2007

MediaStorm: Spring New Media Lecture Series


I was nothing short of wowed by the demos that Brian did. And I love their mission: "to be the Life magazine of our generation." They're definitely creating some powerful stuff. And I could hear ooohs and aaahs from around the room. So there's definitely a market for his kind of journalism. I love that they are self funded and not VC funded. Definitely check out some of their work (I went back and added links to the pieces below, or you can just get to them from their homepage

Live Notes

Brian Storm from mediastorm

past: msnbc, corbis

storytelling, and what it means to be entrepreneurial.

20:00 what should mediastorm be?
- the life magazine of our generation.

collaboration. why can't one person do it all?
(demoing an interactive presentation)

everything done in final cut. want the television to be the viewing device.


20:10: audio + photo. real opportunity there. photo gives context.

this is the kind of piece that you need to see, maybe not want to see.

another piece "1976" - just music. about cuba...

20:13 - cuba piece has gotten a lot of traffic. brings people in and makes them look at the other stoies.

How do you get people to care about aids in africa? give them a voice. let the subjects speak for themselves.

Example: Bloodline (AIDS in Africa)

(the audio/photo mix is overwhelming)

20:26: bloodline was five years of coverage.

It started as prints on a wall, but it wasn't a narrative. there was no voice. let them tell it.

Q: Did she do all of it? (Kristin?)
A: yup - she shot video along the way. wasn't her focus. photography was. people need to do it with intent.

Revolution isn't in the photography medium. It's just the distribution cost and the cost of the equipment.

The sandwich generation. commisioned piece for "20 million americans are sandwiched between kids and parents."

20:42: (that was amazing. very touching.)
a lot of writing goes into this. how did the narrative match the visual? in terms of technique. where he's shaving; audio + photo (but not the video). herbie was naked all the time :)

how do you use motion + moment best together (video + still). the apex of the narrative: he's losing his house. the sound of stuff crashing and then the still.

the mediasotorm platform:

MGM lion road = mediastorm logo. that turns into the page. tactile page.

transcript for hearing impaired. but also helps with the editing.

transactional process: buy the book off amazon. license images, buy film, etc. buy song: click on it, it goes straight to itunes.

viral email collab is key. also dig/deliious/technorati/etc. Special promotional images for bloggers.


- visual newsletters. try to live up to the brand.
- rss
- myspace: weird. but go where the audience is
- flickr feed of the promotional images

(one guy in russia created a viral effect for them)

podcast in itunes.

video is a great starting point.

iTunes: game changing.
apple tv: gets you to the 8' experience.

iPhone is twice the dpi 162 vs 76dpi (didn't know that)

Business Model

Multimedia Agency: allows them to syndicate content. License content. E.g. slate. promotion on AARP.

online auction to syndicate the premier. bid on the right to premier. just like ebay.

20:56 : flipbook about kurds in iraq.

21:01 : had the detail on each scene in the flipbook as well.

Production: working with a bunch of huge players: nat geo, msnbc, slate, aarp, la times, ...

Brightcodebrightcove - helps the video come in superfast. (showing a piece on Darfur)

another technique: vh1 popups-style.

21:04: nat geo project. wildlife refuge in chad.

21:14 able to take what was layed out in a magazine and give life to it. another interactive thing: google earth + zakouma = interactive.


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