Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Getting some press

The Online Journalism Review interviewed us this weekend. Here's the reporterist interview.

It's a pity that the title pitches us as an eBay for news - because Sindya is quoted as saying
The intention is not to turn it into an eBay.

But that's okay. It captures a bit about how we're starting off. I'm in L.A. right now, and had the pleasure of having some an awesome conversation with E. J. Wilson - the new dean of USC's Annenberg School of Communication.

I also got to chat with Robert Niles - the editor of the Online Journalism Review. It was great to hear about the industry from his perspective, as well as get solid validation for what we're doing at reporterist.

I love the sense of urgency at USC, regarding the need to rethink how journalism is taught and practiced. It's definitely an exciting time to be in this space.

1 comment:

Heidi Pickman said...

I am a freelance radio producer/writer/reporter. I read the OJR interview and thought 'no brainer.' Reporterist is a fabu idea.